Should I Get Braces? 10 Important Things To Consider

Getting braces can feel like a big decision. While many people find that having straight teeth has tremendous benefits, making the initial choice to get braces can be difficult. If you’re thinking about getting braces, there are several important questions you need to ask yourself - and sometimes there are some difficult truths that you need to face.

So we’ve put together ten of the most important points you should consider if you’re thinking about whether to get braces. We hope these questions will help you to weigh things up for yourself, and help you make that all-important decision.

  1. Are your teeth getting worse?

Do you find yourself looking in the mirror and worrying that your teeth are gradually getting less straight? It can be difficult to admit, but the fact is that people’s teeth do move. This is true even if you’ve had braces when you were growing up. Every day your teeth are subjected to different pressures, when you eat, sleep, sneeze, and even talk. Over time, this causes your teeth to shift position. You won’t notice your teeth move on a day-to-day basis, but over weeks and months, many people are shocked and upset to notice their teeth gradually become less straight. It can be difficult to admit, but if you notice that your teeth have been moving, it may be time for braces - before they move even further.

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2. Do you want fixed or removable braces?

Many people have fixed, metal braces as teenagers. But in adulthood, very few people are excited about the idea of having train-track style braces on their teeth. There are some options for fixed braces that are less visible than train tracks. But most adults find that they want the flexibility of removable braces. The main advantage of removable braces is that - although you should ideally only take them out to eat - you do have the flexibility to remove them for a quick half hour for things like job interviews, client meetings... or even dates! Whatever you go for, it’s important to ask yourself whether you want fixed or removable braces.

3. How will the braces look on you?

For many people, the way that the braces will actually look on you when you wear them is very important. Everyone wants discrete braces, and most people want invisible braces. If the end result you want is to have a better smile, then, naturally, you don’t want to spend 12 months or more with your teeth covered in metal! It’s important that you are happy with how the braces you get will look on you while you are wearing them. The good news is that today, it’s possible to get clear braces that are almost invisible, and which fit in with your lifestyle.

4. Can you afford the cost?

Being happy with your teeth is priceless, but unfortunately, braces aren’t cheap. If you want to straighten your teeth, you need to prepare yourself for a financial set-back of around £1000 or more. While this simply isn’t possible for everyone, many people find that with a bit of smart budgeting, the cost of braces is manageable when spread over several months. If you are struggling to justify the cost, it’s important to remember that braces can have a long-term benefit for your life. A holiday is nice for a few days, but your teeth are there with you every day of your life. So think of it this way - straightening your teeth is a long-term investment in your appearance and even your health.

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5. Can you put up with a little discomfort?

Wearing braces always involves at least a small amount of discomfort. While most people don’t struggle too much with this, it is worth bearing in mind that the first couple of days won’t be much fun. However, it’s very important that you persevere. Taking your braces out because they are uncomfortable is not an option! The good thing is that it really won’t take long before you get used to your braces and you hardly notice them at all. As long as you remember that the long-term benefits of the braces will outweigh the short-term discomfort, a mind-over-matter attitude will make the small amount of discomfort much easier to bear.

6. Are you committed to actually wearing them (and your retainer)?

If you’re thinking of getting removable braces you need to be absolutely committed to wearing them. And just as importantly, you need to be committed to wearing your retainers. This may sound obvious, but many people get lazy with their braces. This slows down the process and ultimately makes it take longer for you to get the results you want. But the worst thing of all is when people don’t wear their retainers. Unless you are committed to wearing your retainers as often as your dentist says, then your patience - not to mention the money you spent on braces - goes to waste. So it’s vitally important that you are committed to wearing your braces, and that you are willing to wear them for exactly as long as your dentist tells you to.

7. How confident are you about your teeth?

Feeling unconfident about your teeth is one of the most common reasons for people to get braces. We all feel unconfident at times, and it’s never a nice experience. If you are worrying every day about how your teeth look, it can take a toll on your emotions. You need to consider how much of a problem it is for you. Maybe you’re actually happy enough with your teeth, and they don’t affect your confidence at all. But if you are feeling underconfident because of your teeth, then braces could give you the boost you need. As our patients say again and again, they love their straight teeth and the confidence that comes with that.

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8. Is it the right time in your life?

There is never a perfect time to get braces. But think of it this way: what do you gain from putting it off? Without braces, your teeth move gradually over time. Unfortunately, they are not going to magically move into the right position by themselves. So if you’re not happy with them now, it might be best to bite the bullet and do it before your teeth get worse. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will have the smile you want. And as long as you follow up by wearing your retainer, that smile will be yours for the rest of your life.

9. Do you really want straight teeth?

The most important question of all is whether you really want straight teeth. Some people are happy enough without straight teeth. Perhaps after weighing up all the pros and cons, you will realise that you are actually happy as you are. The good news is that if you do decide you want straight teeth, then that’s possible too. You can start the journey now by getting in touch with us to find your local Smilelign provider. If you’re happy as you are, that’s great. But if you want straight teeth, then why not start the journey today?

10. What have you got to lose (and what have you got to gain)?

It’s a good idea to ask yourself how having straight teeth will impact your life. It could be that you feel like, on balance, you don’t want to spend money on your teeth. If you’re not bothered either way, then it may not be worth getting braces. But for a lot of people, having straight teeth is really important. If you know that being proud of your teeth is important to you, then you should take that seriously. We’ve seen it make a big difference for thousands of happy patients. It could make a big difference to your life, too.

Smilelign invisible braces

Smilelign’s invisible brace system works by using a series of clear aligners to gradually move your teeth. It’s trusted by dentists all over the UK. Find a provider today and begin your journey to straight teeth.

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